If you decide to mount upon your speargun a camera you need to be well endowed with great patience for the final result, as the maintenance of the case is quite laborious and needs a lot of care and attention.


A very important component of the case and then the one that needs more attention is the o-ring. Before every use you need to remove it with a toothpick and wash it with fresh water, after that you need to wipe away any kind of powder or salt crystals from the o-ring housing.

Before placing the o-ring back in its housing you need to protect it with silicon grease that is provided with the case in a 5gr tube and usually lasts an year, anyway when it finishes up it is quite easy to find a replacement in any diving store.

Once you place the camera into the case do not forget to put on a side a little pack of silica gel to absorb the possible humidity during the immersion, and before definetly closing the case make sure on the o-ring there is not any hair or other that can cause flooding. In order to avoid damages to the case during transport I made a small bag of neoprene with two clips to hook it upon the inflatable buoy.

After every use it is strongly reccomended to soak the case in fresh water and then washing it up. I do personally avoid to open the case before I had it washed, paying particular attention to the controls and the opening. Once you have washed the case you need to leave it open to avoid the memory effect on the o-ring. You should actually remove completely the o-ring in the period you do not use the case but if you use it quite frequently all the year long it is enough just leaving it open.   

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