In the last few years through its innovative ideas Ermes Sub has revolutionized the concept itself of arbalete, hitting the market with solutions never conceived before.
When everybody thought the variables to take into account to improve the gun performances were the well-known ones like the barrel (lighter, tapered, wooden or in aluminium) or the bands (single or multiples) here this little Apulia company comes to shuffle the cards bringing a new release mechanism able to enhance the gun propelling capacity to spear fishers knowledge.
It’s called “Innovation” and it mainly has three advantages: increase the stroke of the bands, ensure a more fluid thrust to the spear and neutralize its weak points. How all this could ever be possible?
It’s simple! You need to use a modified spear (as in the picture below) allowing the ogive to hook it right from the back with no tension until the trigger get pulled. In fact until that moment the bands are hooked right on the mechanism and once it gets released thrusts the spear more fluidly and with a more linear trajectory.
This way a 110cm barrel gains 10cm in length for the bands to exploit and this turns your spear gun in a more powerful weapon ensuring an higher percentage of catches since the spear has no more notches.
In the last few months the company designer has projected two new products solving other two problems in creating an arbalete: a traditional rear mechanism and an horizontal professional reel.
The main feature of the new release mechanism “Back” designed for traditional spears is the position of the cog situated behind the trigger. This allows to rear spear hooking point without compromise the room destined to the handle. A simple idea allowing the spear fisher to exploit the barrel to the max.
The other remarkable brand new product is the “Falco” reel with horizontal spool. In opposition to the others available in the market, this reel is designed with a U-shaped stirrup rather than with an L-shaped one, ensuring increate robustness. In addition it is provided with a spring clutch and with an handle well separated from the reel. It is designed to be mounted on all kinds of spearguns.