The barbs on the commercial shafts (besides those from sigalsub) are not always regulated as it should. Often they are too loose or the opposite and in any case do not make what they should properly. When the barb is properly regulated then? (Fig 1)
To check the barb functioning shake the shaft (forward-backward) and verify, with the help of one hand, that the barb remains open and that it is difficult to bring it back in place without using your hand. If this does not happen maintenance should be carried out with a hammer as small as possible, in order to be accurate.
Removing the lateral play
To eliminate the barb lateral play, you must hit the axe (fig. 2) on both sides avoiding to fold it at the first. When there is no longer play and the barb is stuck on the shaft (at this stage it is hard to open), place it perpendicularly and hit it from behind sliding the hammer along the shaft (Fig. 3). A few light strokes are sufficient to make it move again. Should there be play again, repeat the operation (fig. 2 +3).
Setting the barb locking position
We have to put the tip of the shaft, where the axe is, on an anvil (fig4) and hit the upper edge of the barb, above the axe hole. One or two strokes on each side and the adjustment is made (fig4). Check the functioning as described at the beginning and if it does not meet your needs, retry the operation (Fig. 3 +4).
Barb replacing
File down the head of the axe until it has completely disappeared. Push out the axe with the help of a nail with the same diameter. Make sure that the new one is not too long. Should it be, file it on the shaft with the barb mounted on, taking care that it exceeds no more than a millimeter. Hitting with the hammer is the only thing left to do. Do not hit the center but try to hit the perimeter. If the barb then moves forcefully, repeat the steps described in Figure 5 and 3.
If you do not have an axe you can use an old "V" shaped obus taking care that it should exceed no more than a millimeter from each side of the shaft.